While there are many places on the web to find yourself a recipe or ten, none can even get close to the amount of concentrated alcohol and awesome that is...
Established in 2009, this Tumblr-based blog of alcoholic recipes has since become a veritable compendium of geeky libations.
Despite the name, The Drunken Moogle has more than gaming-based drinks, with cocktails inspired by a variety of titles ranging from "Avatar: The Last Airbender" to "The Hunger Games".
The site has taken a bit of a break lately, with the newest cocktail posted being April 1, 2015- understandable since they have been working on a book since then.
Even with the almost year-long hiatus, the archive has more than enough recipes to keep even the most intrepid (and nerdy) mixologist busy.
Here are a few of my favorite cocktails from The Drunken Moogle:
Rye Whiskey, Sake, Cointreau with just a dash of Peychaud's brings this smoky, complex cocktail to life, based on the legendary composer Yoko Kanno, more specifically, the "Cowboy Bebop" soundtrack. So turn the lights down low, put on "Adieu," and sip this one slow. Cigarettes and bitter memories are optional and highly recommended.
If you want a hard drink but want to skip on the pathos, the Subspace Speed Pass is the way to go. This "Scott Pilgrim" themed shot is based on Ramona Flowers and much like its inspiration, it is quirky, adorable and will hit you over the head like a gigantic mallet. Parfait Amour, Midori, Blue Curacao and vodka give this tall shot a deceptively girly look and a kick that will knock you on your ass if you're not careful. Just like Ramona Flowers!
Based on "American McGee's Alice," this cocktail is a modified Bloody Mary that substitutes blackberry brandy for the vodka and omits the worcestershire sauce. Also, substitutes the standard celery stalk with a stainless steel knife. After all, we're all mad (and drunk) here.
Borderline diabetes inducing and endearing, this is the perfect cocktail for people who like drinking and hate the taste of alcohol. This combination of Pop Rocks, Japanese Star Candy, Soda, Vodka make for a visually striking drink that is also incredibly tasty. Just remember that it's an alcoholic drink though, and take it easy on these, lest you wake up to a barrage of rainbow colored stars.
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