Sunday, March 20, 2016

General Nerdery Retrospective

Ah, what an experience it has been, writing for this blog.

While not my first rodeo, this blog has been my most prolific one to date and the most fun.

Sure, not every article has been a gem and the half-hearted introduction post as well as the late-night navel-gazing on the nature of Undertale were cringe inducing in particular, but by and large I had a lot of fun.

On the other end of the spectrum, I have articles that I was proud of, in particular the ones on Nerdy Noms and Geeky Libations.

  Writing these helped teach me that sometimes, you just gotta have fun with writing, and that not every article needs to be an attempt serious, world-shattering or helpful and that if you can channel that feeling of fun, you'll get some good results and enjoy the process better.

Unfortunately, I didn't learn much in the way of keeping up with a weekly blog, other than that sometimes, you just have to do it. Blogging is a commitment, at least if you want an audience and/or a good grade in class and sometimes it clashes with other commitments like work or other classes or finally beating Resident Evil to prove that you're still not traumatized from when your dad made you play it as a child.


That being said, this was an overall good experience and I did learn a little about myself and the craft of writing from blogging. I'd definitely blog again and will probably do so soon, maybe even under the same name. Till then, seeya.

Also, here's the T-Rex I promised.

100% Scientifically Accurate

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